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Introduction to Painting

ART 205

This course introduces students to classical and contemporary painting, techniques and concepts, with emphasis on the understanding of its formal language and the fundamentals of artistic expression. Even though previous painting experience is not a prerequisite for this course, the vigorous training provided will prepare students for going into a professional fine art career. Painting from still-life, landscape, and life models from observation will be geared towards realism; at the same time, various other painting styles could be explored. Color theory, linear perspective, compositional structure, figure/ground relationships, visual perception, spatial concepts, and critical thinking skills will all be emphasized extensively. We will study and research major painting styles and movements in historical context. The hope is that students will use this global approach to develop a “critical eye” in evaluation of contemporary painting. Demonstrations, videos, PowerPoint lectures, group and individual critiques will be given throughout the course. Acrylic will be the primary medium for this class. This may seem like a lot to absorb–but always remember that our main emphasis will be to encourage and nourish individuality and creativity.



Course Details
Term FA/WI/SP/SU, 2023-24 Duration 4-6 Weeks
Program Zhejiang University of Technology Level Undergraduate
Mode Online Subject Art
Credits 4 Component Lecture
Instructor TBA
Class Dates

Winter 2024:             12/18/2023 - 01/14/2024

Spring I 2024:           02/26/2024 - 03/31/2024

Spring II 2024:          04/01/2024 - 05/03/2024

Summer I 2024:        05/27/2024 - 06/30/2024

Summer II 2024:       05/27/2024 - 07/07/2024

Summer III 2024:      07/01/2024 - 08/04/2024

Summer IV 2024:      07/01/2024 - 08/11/2024