Home    Course    Sex and Gender

Sex and Gender

LA 106

This course will explore how sex, gender roles, and the expressions of masculinity and femininity are built into the social structures of American life and various cultures around the world.  Analyses of prejudice and discrimination as they exist in the social institutions are addressed, as well as ideas for appropriate change for the future.



Course Details
Term FA/WI/SP, 2024 Duration 7.5-Week
Program Monroe College Level Undergraduate
Mode Online Subject Sociology
Credits 3 Component Lecture
Instructor TBA
Class Dates

Winter I 2024:           01/05/2024 - 02/23/2024

Winter II 2024:          02/24/2024 - 04/13/2024

Spring I 2024:           04/26/2024 - 06/14/2024

Spring II 2024:          06/15/2024 - 08/03/2024